The past week was sort of a weird, disappointing one for running.
Last weekend, I was so excited to run the Manhattan Half Marathon in Central Park. First half of 2012! My roommate Lisa's first half ever! Yay!
Saturday morning I woke up to a very snowy city. The race wasn't exactly cancelled, but it was nonscored, which I took to mean, "Show up if you really really want to, but we wouldn't if we were you." There was also a food poisoning situation, so we all decided to skip the race. The sidewalks were terrible and super slippery and I figured I shouldn't take a chance with my ankle still being weird. Plus who really shows up to run when it's snowy and slushy and gross?
Well apparently a lot of people. My work friend told me that his friend said it was his most fun race ever. Sort of feeling like I missed out. Bummer.
Monday I went to a tradeshow aka spend the whole day on my feet. My ankle swelled to disgusting proportions, so I figured I should take it easy on Tuesday (supposed to be 5 miles) and spend an hour on the bike at the gym. I hate skipping a run, but I figure it's better to take it easy than push it too hard and get injured. Then I foam rolled... DAMN that feels good!
Wednesday my ankle was still huge, so I did my 5 miles on the treadmill. I sprinted(ish) 1/4 mile repeats with 1/4 mile recoveries. Followed by foam rolling. So good.
Thursday I finally got back outside and it felt amazing. As much as I hate getting out of bed, I think running outside is the only thing that fully wakes me up. I did an easy five and felt awesome all day. Went to the gym after work and foam rolled some more. Addicted.
Yesterday was my longest run to date - 19 miles. It felt surprisingly good, and as usual my first few miles were the toughest. A lot of firsts on this run - nature called while I was running through the woods, and I made a pit stop at Wawa to use the ladies room and refill my water bottle. Very classy.
My Garmin started dying around mile 11, so I reset it to make sure that data saved, and started again. It eventually died, so I tracked myself on mapmyrun... until my phone died too! Weird. Here are my splits for the first 16 or so miles:
As usual, my pace was all over the place. Hoping to smooth that out on next weekend's 20 miler.
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